We envision a different future for therapy. One where everyone who needs help, gets help—whatever their income level or benefits coverage. DBT Skills Group is our solution to the problem of accessing essential therapy services. Saving patients the investment in one-to-one therapy, you’ll learn the skills you need not just to survive but to thrive.
Our DBT Skills Group enables you to access the transformative knowledge and skills of Dialectical Behaviour Therapy in a safe and supportive group setting. We’ll focus less on talk therapy and more on the practical how-to of managing your thoughts and emotions in those moments you’re feeling triggered or stressed.
Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) is our preferred modality for treating a range of conditions, from everyday stress to addiction. “Dialectical” refers to things that seem like opposites but can, in fact, both be true—like acceptance and change. In DBT, you learn the skills you need to find “The Middle Path” between these opposites, accepting the difficulties while changing your thoughts and behaviours to build a life worth living—whatever that looks like for you.
DBT focuses on four categories of skills: Mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness. Within each category, we develop skills for accepting and changing our thoughts and behaviours. For example, in a DBT Skills Group for distress tolerance, we may teach you TIPP (Temperature, Intense Exercise, Paced Breathing and Paired Muscle Relaxation), which are a set of skills you can rely on when you’re at your emotional tipping point.
When the trauma of your past impacts your sleep, our 8 -week Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) group can help you restructure the thoughts, feelings, and behaviours that are keeping you from better sleep.
This 12-week group teaches all four DBT skills: Mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotional regulation and interpersonal effectiveness. You get all the DBT fundamentals in one comprehensive group.
This 12-week group teaches all four DBT skills: Mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotional regulation and interpersonal effectiveness. You get all the DBT fundamentals in one comprehensive group.
We know not everyone can afford one-to-one therapy—and that’s okay. Our DBT Skills Group offers the same life-changing skills we teach our private clients in a group setting, making it an affordable alternative—or complement—to private therapy. With the investment in private therapy at $235 per session, and DBT Skills Group at $1584 for twelve sessions, you save 44% per session.
We get life happens. You can cancel your registration and receive a full refund by contacting us at least 48 hours before the first session of your scheduled skills group. After the first session, there are no refunds.
Most extended health benefit companies will cover the skills groups as these services are being supervised and provided by a registered psychologist. However, every benefits company is different, so we recommend you check with your benefit company before joining a skills group, so you know how much they’ll cover.
Each two-hour session is structured the same way: In two halves with a 10- to 15-minute break in between. The first half, we’ll settle in from the hustle and stress of day-to-day life with a mindfulness exercise. After the opening activity, we check in with each member of the group—how much or how little you’d like to share is always up to you—then we discuss the last week’s homework. After the break, we introduce a new skill, and assign the next week’s homework, wrapping up with a closing activity.
Some individuals may need to focus more on one skill set compared to others, so we offer 1:1 therapy to individualize your skills training. That said, you will get the most out of the skills if you learn all of them, as they are designed to be used interchangeably, so we offer a skills group that teaches all four skills sets. We provide a free phone consultation to help you determine what is your best path.
Relief is possible. Book a free consultation to learn how we can help.